CoC Provider Toolkit
The CoC Toolkit is intended to provide those responsible for CoC programs with tools to help ensure effective and compliant program administration and implementation. The purpose of the toolkit is to ensure that subreceipients have the resources to fully understand how program requirements apply and provide tools to assist them in meeting those requirements. Additional tools are available on the CoC forms page.
Quality assurance standards
The Santa Clara County CoC quality assurance standards have been developed with the expectation of providing quality, standardized services to persons who have become homeless, to facilitate their successful re-entry back into their communities. All Santa Clara County Continuum of Care member agencies should use the Quality Assurance Standards as a benchmark and model for agency-and program-level policies and procedures.
Program guidelines
- Homelessness Prevention System - Operations Manual
- Housing Problem Solving
- Rapid Rehousing Program - Operations Manual
Program policies
- Required Program Policies and Procedures
- CoC Eligible Program Expenses
- Eligible Certifiers of Disability
- ESG Eligible Program Expenses
- Federal Requirements Related to Allocation of Shared Costs - Decision Tree
- Federal Requirements Related to Allocation of Shared Costs - Overview
- Lead Based Paint Policy
- Rent Reasonableness
- Sample Grievance Policy
- Transferring a CoC Program to Another Agency
- Transferring a Client to Another Program
Program implementation resources
- CoC RRH Checklist
- CoC PSH Checklist
- CoC Sample Time and Activity Log
- Eligibility for Households Exiting THUs
- ESG RRH Checklist
- ESG Sample Time and Activity Log
- HUD Indirect Cost Toolkit
- RRH Funding Reference Chart - ESG vs CoC
- Sample Housing Assistance Payment Contract
Navigating COVID-19 waivers for CoC and ESG programs
- Training slides
- Recorded training webinar
- Addendum to Quality Assurance Standards for COVID-19 Waivers
- COVID-19 waivers for CoC programs
- FMR for Leasing Costs Waiver
- Housing Search and Counseling Waiver
- HQS Initial Inspection Waiver
- HQS Re-Inspection Waiver
- Limit on DedicatedPLUS Eligibility Coming from TH Waiver
- Limit to 24 Months of Rental Assistance Waiver
- Monthly Case Management Waiver
- Occupancy Limits Waiver
- One-Year Lease Requirement Waiver
- Self-Certification of Disability Waiver
- Staff Observation of Disability Waiver
- Temporary Stays in Institutions Waiver
- Third-Party Documentation of Income Waiver
- COVID-19 waivers for ESG programs
- Assisting Program Participants with Subleases Waiver
- FMR Waiver
- Housing Stability Case Management Waiver
- Limit to 24 Months of Housing Relocation, Stabilization Waiver
- Limit to 24 Months of Rental Assistance Waiver
- Re-evaluations for Homelessness Prevention Assistance Waiver
- Temporary Stays in Institutions Waiver
- COVID-19 waivers for CoC programs
CoC trainings are available and the schedule can be found at the CoC events calendar page. The materials from those trainings can be found at the training materials page.