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Coordinated entry: Get assessed

How the process works

  1. ​​​​​​​In the County’s coordinated entry system, anyone experiencing homelessness can complete a standard assessment tool called the Vulnerability Index-Service Prioritization Decision Assessment Tool or VI-SPDAT. This assessment considers your household’s situation and identifies the best type of housing program to serve you.
  2. If your assessment responses indicate that your needs match the services provided by a housing program, you will be placed in a pool known as the community queue. If you are not eligible, you will be referred to other services. Note the community queue is not a waiting list based on a first-come, first-served system. Eligible households who are the most vulnerable and in need will be connected to available housing programs first.
  3. We do not guarantee housing through this process. If, however, you are selected for a housing program, someone will try to contact you to make sure you are eligible and enroll you in the program. It is very important to make sure your contact information is accurate and up-to-date.

Your assessment responses and other information will be entered into the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). This is a central database that contains all household information in one system. It is not accessible to the public. Agencies will be able to communicate with each other about your case using HMIS. You have the option for your information to be entered anonymously.

Because of this coordinated process, you don't have to travel to different service providers to apply for one housing opportunity at a time.

If you are homeless and want to get assessed: 

Visit any of the County's partners that can provide an assessment.