Permanent solutions
Includes long-term housing and rapid rehousing to provide immediate shelter and homelessness prevention measures.
Interim solutions
Includes tansitional housing and emergency shelters.
Community plan to end homelessness
The 2020-2025 Community Plan to End Homelessness is our community's roadmap for ending homelessness in our community
Supportive housing system map
Homelessness prevention
- Helps individuals and families who are about to lose their housing to remain housed where they are or move to new permanent housing
- Acts as an access point to the Coordinated Assessment System
Affordable housing development
- Construction of new affordable housing provides a path to long-term housing stability for individuals and families experiencing homelessness and helps avoid future occurrences of homelessness caused by extreme housing costs.
- Engages with people experiencing homelessness on the street, in parks and other public spaces, and in vehicles
- Acts as an access point for the Coordinated Assessment System and for emergency shelter
- Locates people in the Coordinated Assessment System who have been referred to a housing program
Here4You Call Center
- Provides a single point of access to emergency shelter beds and centralizes emergency shelter referrals
- Offers immediate Housing Problem Solving support
- Acts as an access point to the Coordinated Entry System
Coordinated assessment system
- Acts as a front door to the community’s housing resources
- Matches people experiencing homelessness to the community’s transitional housing, rapid rehousing, and permanent supportive housing programs
Emergency shelter
- Provides a safe place to sleep for people experiencing homelessness
- Provides meals, showers, other basic needs, and connections to other community resources
- Acts as an access point to the Coordinated assessment system
Housing problem solving
- Engages people in conversations to identify creative solutions, unexplored options, and resources to quickly return to housing
Permanent supportive housing
- Helps individuals and families with disabilities maintain permanent housing through long-term rental subsidies, connections to medical and behavioral health care, and other services.
Transitional housing
Provides temporary housing and site-based services for people experiencing homelessness, a program model most effective for specific subpopulations, such as:
- Youth, especially Parenting Youth
- Veterans
- Homeless individuals and families enrolled in a permanent housing program and searching for apartments
Rapid rehousing
- Provides supportive services and financial assistance to people experiencing homelessness
- Helps individuals and families obtain permanent housing and increase income so that they can remain housed independently.